Standardization Proposal
The initial outline of how an Ordinal Improvement Proposal (OIP) could work for a functioning Ordinal Layer 2 architecture.
Establishing a Standardization Process for the Ordinals Layer 2
One of the key challenges for the Ordinals in developing their own Layer 2 solution is establishing a process for standardization. This challenge can be addressed by looking at the standardization process of Bitcoin and adapting it where needed.
A. The Ordinal Improvement Proposal (OIP)
Taking inspiration from the Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP), the Ordinal Improvement Proposal (OIP) can serve as a standardized means of proposing changes to the functionality of the Ordinals Layer 2 solution. As an open-source, decentralized network, anyone can propose an OIP. Before formal submission, it's recommended that the idea be discussed in community forums to gauge support.
B. The Approval Process
An OIP will require a champion who will author the proposal and convert it into detailed technical documentation according to OIP standards. The OIP champion submits the proposal to an OIP editor, an individual responsible for auditing the proposal, ensuring its language, format, and technical feasibility. After the editor approves the proposal, it is given an official number and presented to the community.
C. Stages of an OIP
An OIP goes through several stages before it can be implemented:
Draft: The OIP is submitted to the community.
Proposed: The OIP includes a plan for implementing the change.
Final: The OIP is accepted and ready to be implemented.
The upgrade must then be merged into the Layer 2 code and activated. Not all OIPs that get merged into the code will ultimately be accepted and activated.
D. Consensus and Implementation
Implementing an OIP can take time as the community discusses the idea, makes changes, and finally reaches a consensus. Since the Ordinals network does not have a central authority, nodes must agree on the rules and reach a consensus to run the network. Nodes would decide whether to activate the proposals by agreeing to run the version of the Ordinals Layer 2 code that includes the new changes.
There are three types of OIPs:
Consensus OIPs: These OIPs introduce changes that are compatible with the older version of the network. They require a clear majority (over 90%) of nodes to approve the upgrade.
Hard fork OIPs: These are radical upgrades that create a new Layer 2, rendering the old one invalid. These proposals require universal approval from everyone who participates in the network, including nodes, exchanges, wallet providers, and so on.
Process OIPs: These introduce new processes and decision-making in the network. They propose rules on how to make rules.
This process takes inspiration from Bitcoin's BIPs, which have proven to be effective in maintaining and improving a decentralized, open-source network. The first ever BIP was BIP 001, which described what a Bitcoin Improvement Proposal is. This was followed by BIP 002, which revised the guidelines for BIPs. I believe we should start focusing on building the first .
By adopting a similar process, Ordinals can ensure a structured approach to improving their Layer 2 solution, allowing for continuous upgrades and improvements while preserving the principles of decentralization and community consensus.
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